Pregnancy Book Review: Our Top Picks

So you're expecting! Terrified? Excited? Could really go for a piece of cookie cake and a nap? Pregnancy can feel overwhelming at first. Luckily, there's a ton (and we mean a ton) of great resources out there.

We'll help you get started. Whether strictly informative or just plain hilarious, here are some of our favorite reads for all those out there with a bun in the oven.

For Honest Advice

Drawing on the experiences of hundreds of parents and the expertise of doctors, midwives and other birth and baby pros, From The Hips is filled with tons of relevant and interesting information. From making major decisions about prenatal testing and natural childbirth to sorting through all the trendy techniques and theories that new parents are bombarded with, this read gives you a wider perspective on birth.

For the Worriers

As you start to hear horror stories from friends and the internet about things that can harm your baby, you may be tempted to crawl inside a sealed bubble for the remainder of your pregnancy. To calm your anxious mind, check out this read from author Michael S. Broder, MD, MSHS, who is a board-certified Obstetrician-Gynecologist.

From caffeine to exercise to flying, The Panic-Free Pregnancy comprehensively covers the lifestyle issues and questions that confront every mom-to-be.

For Laughs

Celebrity Jenny McCarthy will tell you what to REALLY expect while you are expecting in her hilarious book Belly Laughs. From morning sickness and hormonal rage, to hemorrhoids, granny panties, pregnant sex, and the torture and sweet relief that is delivery, you'll be reminded you are not alone in this weird, wonderful journey.

For the First Year

Author Dawn Dais, mother to a one-year-old, believes parents are not being told the scary truth and less than fun realities about raising a baby. Her book tells you what it’s really like to be a new parent and provides helpful insights, funny antidotes, and hope for all the mothers out there in search of a sleep.

Get it here.

For Dads

Because we couldn't complete the list without a book written for all the new fathers out there. This information-packed, month-by-month guide incorporates the expertise of top practitioners in their fields, from obstetricians and birth-class instructors to psychologists and sociologists. You'll learn everything from how men's brains change by being involved during pregnancy to society’s shifting expectations for dads.

Get it here.

Need more resources? Check out some of our articles on planning for a baby.

Also, you'll find tons of great ideas on our Pregnancy Reads Pinterest board!